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2022 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing
NYTimes - 445 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing pdf
Persuasive Essay
Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay -- A Five-Step Process
From Time4Writing.com
Teaching Elementary School Students to Be Effective Writers
IES Practice Guide 2012
Graham, S., Bollinger, A., Booth Olson, C., D’Aoust, C., MacArthur, C., McCutchen, D., & Olinghouse, N. (2012). Teaching elementary school students to be effective writers: A practice guide (NCEE 2012- 4058). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/ wwc/publications_reviews.aspx#pubsearch.
Review of Recommendations
Recommendation 1. Provide daily time for students to write.
Recommendation 2. Teach students to use the writing process for a variety of purposes.
Recommendation 2a. Teach students the writing process.
1. Teach students strategies for the various components of the writing process.
2.Gradually release writing responsibility from the teacher to the student.
3.Guide students to select and use appropriate writing strategies.
4. Encourage students to be flexible in their use of the components of the writing process.
Recommendation 2b. Teach students to write for a variety of purposes.
1. Help students understand the different purposes of writing.
2. Expand students’ concept of audience.
3.Teach students to emulate the features of good writing.
4.Teach students techniques for writing effectively for different purposes.
Recommendation 3. Teach students to become fluent with handwriting, spelling, sentence construction, typing, and word processing.
1. Teach very young writers how to hold a pencil correctly and form letters fluently and efficiently.
2. Teach students to spell words correctly.
3. Teach students to construct sentences for fluency, meaning, and style.
4. Teach students to type fluently and to use a word processor to compose.
Recommendation 4. Create an engaged community of writers.
1. Teachers should participate as members of the community by writing and sharing their writing.
2. Give students writing choices.
3. Encourage students to collaborate as writers.
4. Provide students with opportunities to give and receive feedback throughout the writing process.
5. Publish students’ writing, and extend the community beyond the classroom.
NYTimes - 445 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing pdf
Persuasive Essay
Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay -- A Five-Step Process
From Time4Writing.com
Teaching Elementary School Students to Be Effective Writers
IES Practice Guide 2012
Graham, S., Bollinger, A., Booth Olson, C., D’Aoust, C., MacArthur, C., McCutchen, D., & Olinghouse, N. (2012). Teaching elementary school students to be effective writers: A practice guide (NCEE 2012- 4058). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/ wwc/publications_reviews.aspx#pubsearch.
Review of Recommendations
Recommendation 1. Provide daily time for students to write.
Recommendation 2. Teach students to use the writing process for a variety of purposes.
Recommendation 2a. Teach students the writing process.
1. Teach students strategies for the various components of the writing process.
2.Gradually release writing responsibility from the teacher to the student.
3.Guide students to select and use appropriate writing strategies.
4. Encourage students to be flexible in their use of the components of the writing process.
Recommendation 2b. Teach students to write for a variety of purposes.
1. Help students understand the different purposes of writing.
2. Expand students’ concept of audience.
3.Teach students to emulate the features of good writing.
4.Teach students techniques for writing effectively for different purposes.
Recommendation 3. Teach students to become fluent with handwriting, spelling, sentence construction, typing, and word processing.
1. Teach very young writers how to hold a pencil correctly and form letters fluently and efficiently.
2. Teach students to spell words correctly.
3. Teach students to construct sentences for fluency, meaning, and style.
4. Teach students to type fluently and to use a word processor to compose.
Recommendation 4. Create an engaged community of writers.
1. Teachers should participate as members of the community by writing and sharing their writing.
2. Give students writing choices.
3. Encourage students to collaborate as writers.
4. Provide students with opportunities to give and receive feedback throughout the writing process.
5. Publish students’ writing, and extend the community beyond the classroom.